Thursday, August 24, 2017

Themes in Coceptual Film

Art as Propaganda

Propaganda films are mostly documentary styled films which is what I want to pursue and focus on in my occupation someday. These films try to convince viewers to see their point of view and side with them, whether its a film on Political views to puppy mills the same themes arise. One theme thats is consistent through "Art as Propaganda" films is illuminating social issues. This drew me to this theme because showing social truths and investigating problems in society is what I want to do most. I want to dig for the truth and share it with the world so that everyone can know and have the power that comes with the truth. Without Artists like this the world would be ridden with unfair societies ruled by ambitious, lying, leaders. Peoples perception of the truth would be foggy and edited because they would only be getting their information from a single source. Which brings me to the second theme within the "Art as Propaganda" theme, Glorifying the Ruler. People often glorify the leaders in charge because they release information about themselves that makes them an ideal human. We see powerful people as gods because we only know the good about them, but I guarantee that everyone of them has a dark secret that would destroy their image. I don't want to necessarily destroy other people's image, but I want to allow the public to understand just who they are voting for, following, and talking about. I believe that by using art as propaganda it will allow truths to be told and for a better, equal society. I want to illuminate social issues, problems, and the cracks in every societal structure. My goal is to inform people about issues from Political debates, to what its like living with a disease, so viewers can become aware of the world around them and not just what directly effects them. I will hopefully be using my films to make viewers see through different eyes, create feelings and emotions, while also uncovering a greater truth.