Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Reference Sheet

Reference Sheet
Camera Angles
Camera 1 View:
  • Centered
  • Symmetrical
  • Looking Straight on as if Talking to the audience.

Camera 2 View:
  • Side view Close-Up / Extreme Close-Up
  • Shallow depth of field
  • Looking off to left
  • Rule of thirds 
  • Rule of thirds intersection on eye

Camera 3 View:
  • Zoomed out
  • side angle
  • object (Soft Box) obstructing some part of frame
  • Zoomed out a little. In between distance of Camera 1 and Camera 2.
  • Medium Depth of Field
Camera Settings Cheat Sheets

Pre Interview Checklist
  1. 3 cameras
  2. 3 batteries
  3. 3 SD cards
  4. 3 tripods (already in studio)
  5. Lav mic
  6. Set up cameras 1, 2, and 3.
  7. set up lighting- Soft Box- Back light
  8. White balance all cameras to the same piece of white paper.
  9. Adjust exposure so its the same on all cameras
  10. Set Movie Recording Size on all cameras to 1280x720, 60fps
  11. Plug in Lav Mic to camera 1
  12. Attach mic to subject
  13. Ask subject to speak normally
  14. Adjust Sound recording on camera 1- balance audio levels so they reach 12.
  15. Focus cameras
  16.  Start recording
  17. Ask initial Question
  18. Record interview
Monday- Worked on Day of Production Spread Sheet
Tuesday- Worked on Day of Production Spread Sheet
Wednesday-Went to another classroom to take test
Thursday- absent
Friday- absent

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